After School Clubs
At Cranmore we have a strong commitment to providing a wide range of exciting and enjoyable after school clubs. As part of our Health Promotion strategy we offer a range of sports clubs throughout the year. Clubs meet on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and are open for children from Primary Two upwards.
As an Integrated School we pride ourselves on the celebration of diversity. Our clubs fully reflect an evolving Northern Ireland. We also tailor our club to suit the interests of pupils. At the end of each term pupils are asked to provide feedback on what they enjoyed participating in and what they would like to take part in future.
Extended Schools Funding has enabled children to benefit from a range of new clubs. Sonal Sports provide a range of clubs including gymnastics, multi-sports, dance and athletics to encourage children to have fun at the same time as exercising. The cost of these clubs are supplemented through Extended Schools funding.
This year our clubs include
- Film Club
- Art Club
- Soccer Club
- Multi-Sports
- Dodgeball Club
- Dance Club
- Art
- Cookery
- Drama