Welcome to Primary 7!
We work hard every day with our teacher Miss Sinclair and our classroom assistants Mrs Woods, Miss Walgraeve, Miss Webb and Miss Wright. We love to learn in a fun and interactive way.
This Term :
We Voted for the Captains of our houses ( Griffin, phoenix, Unicorn, Pegasus):
From the right Ryan and Peri, Georgie and Riley, Jessica and Callum and Lucas and Jenna.
Our Nurture Corners
We have a nurture corner in each of our classrooms. It is a nice, calm, safe and private space where we can go and take 5 mins out of the hustle and bustle of the day if we are finding things a little tough. Well-being is very important to us. We all must be kind to ourselves and take time out to look after our own well-being.
Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week
This week in school we have been thinking of ways we can look after our Mental Health. We talked about the importance of being able to recognise our emotions and learning about things we can do to help us manage our emotions well.
To give us time to think about this we have not had written homework this week. Instead we have been taking the time to explore the different things we enjoy doing that help us relax and feel happy. Here are some of the things we have been getting up to.
Celebrating Children's Mental Health Week
Our friends from Uberheroes came back to visit us in Primary 7 today.They introduced us to the Uberheroes and some of the villains. We looked at the Common Ground Comic. This helped us to discuss the often challenging topics of cyberbullying, peer pressure, discrimination, anti-social behaviour and how these can affect our mental health. They helped us to remember what we can do to help deal with cyberbullying :
- Block
- Report
- Ignore
- Mute
- Speak Out
Thank you Uberheroes!
Celebrating Halloween with Dressing Up And Scary Storytelling
Vincent Van Gogh
This term we have been looking at some of the work of Vincent Van Gogh. We have looked at his different subjects, his choice of colours and how he created amazing pieces with different shades of the same colour. Two of our favourite pieces are Sunflowers and A Starry Night.
Visit To Malone College
Our Primary 7's were invited over to have a taster of the Technology, Art and PE subjects at Malone College. We enjoyed making circuits in technology, making emoji masks in art and our choice of PE activities, e.g. badminton, Just Dance or Football.
Speak to Miss Dobbin