Shared Education
This year, Primary 5 and Primary 6 will take part in shared education alongside children from our partner school, Old Warren PS. This year’s programme has been designed to provide children with opportunities to develop their literacy and numeracy skills as well exploring the concept of identity.
Literacy—both year groups have chosen a joint class novel. Primary 5 will be working on Charlotte’s Web and Primary 6 will explore The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Teachers will plan a range of activities to help children to develop their reading and comprehension skills.
Both year groups will also take part in creative writing workshops facilitated by a local charity/ creative writing centre called ’Fighting Words NI’.
Numeracy—The numeracy focus this year will be on developing problem solving skills as well as mathematical thinking. Workshops have been arranged with Sentinus to provide children with an opportunity to develop these skills through a range of fun, collaborative activities.
This year’s programme began on 8 and 10 November with a fun ice breaker day. This was the first time that the P5 classes have ever met and only the second time that the P6 classes had met since they took part in the programme in their P2 year.
The day was facilitated by Activity NI and children took part in activities including dodgeball, archery, tag rugby and fencing.