Principal's Welcome
Welcome to Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School!
Welcome to the website of Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School. We hope that our website provides you with up-to-date information about life in our busy school.
In Cranmore we are committed to the principles of integrated education. Our ethos ensures that all traditions, religions and cultures are treated with respect and that there are opportunities on a daily basis to celebrate what we have in common, learn together without any division and to grow in understanding of difference.
In Cranmore we offer pupils an inclusive and child centred approach to learning and teaching. We want all our pupils to continue to thrive and develop to ensure that they reach their full potential. We firmly believe in a holisitic approach to education and want our children to experience success in all areas of the curriculum.
The committment of the staff to the values and principles of Integrated Education was recognised in 2018 when we received the Excellence in Integration Award from the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education. The feedback from the assessors noted, ‘Cranmore Integrated Primary and Nursery School was founded to be an integrated school with a positive and respectful ethos and has successfully remained true to these roots. The school lives and breathes integration, respects and values pupils from a wide range of backgrounds and works hard to support all abilities. There is a lot going on within the school and this is of necessity only a summary of all the positive strands that contribute to an effective and vibrant integrated school.’
In Cranmore we believe that a combination of high expectations, an emphasis on hard work and the promotion of high standards of behaviour alongside the support of parents is the key to success.
Please feel free to contact me at the school if you would like any further information.
Kind regards
Mr W. Doherty