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Children’s Mental Health Week- Let’s Connect

This week, 6 -10 February is Children's Mental Health Week. The theme is 'Let's Connect'. It encourages children and adults to try to make meaningful connections whether it be with family, friends or reaching out to the community. It may be joining the new club or activity group you have been thinking about, calling with a grandparent for a drink and a chat, going
to the park with friends or other after school activities you are part of.


It is also important for adults to take the time to make these connections too. With this in mind, we would invite parents to drop into the school hall half an hour before you pick up your children on Friday 10 February (1.15 & 2.15) where we will have tea and coffee available. You can have the opportunity to sit and chat and make new connections with parents or grandparents you have not met before. Perhaps you can introduce yourself to new parents and help to welcome them to the school community. It’s always good to talk!