Mission Statement
In Cranmore we aim to give all the children in our care wide and enriching experiences appropriate to their age and ability. We aim to develop in our pupils a pride in their own self-worth and recognition of the value of people from other religious, social or cultural backgrounds. We expect our pupils to work hard to achieve their full potential as unique individuals and to give of their time and talents as they become independent learners. We trust our parents to assist us in carrying out our responsibilities in a mutually supportive, caring environment.
Educational Aims
In our school we aim to
- create a happy, stimulating environment in which pupils can learn effectively:
- nurture the pupil’s sense of self-esteem so that they can accept others whose ideas and opinions are different from their own;
- develop skills and knowledge to become independent thinkers whose attitudes and opinions are based on rationale judgement;
- provide a broad and balanced curriculum by implementation of the programmes of study of the Northern Ireland Curriculum;
- help pupils develop personally, spiritually and socially and recognise the importance of self-fulfilment irrespective of ability;
- foster in children the skills needed to develop and maintain healthy relationships;
- encourage all children to give of their time and talents with generosity and good grace;
- promote a supportive, respectful partnership between school, the home and the wider community