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Welcome to Primary 5!

Our teacher is Miss Joyce!

Our classroom assistants are Mrs Lennon, Miss Moorehead, Ms Hiba and Ms Robinson.

We have had a busy and enjoyable start to Primary 5! Have a look at what we have been up to...

Meet Our Class

The Human Body

In P5 our first topic is all about the human body and we learn about the wonderful features which make us unique, different organs and systems which help the body to function and how to keep our bodies safe. What a better way to start our year than drawing ourselves, taking into account all of our unique features we have discussed in class. 

P5 Harvest Assembly 

This year, our class presented the Harvest Assembly. This years theme was 'Thankfulness'. P5 reflected on how blessed they are and for all the things we need to thank God for.

3D Shapes

In numeracy we have been learning all about 3D shapes, their properties and their nets. We enjoyed spending time outdoors to go on a 3D shape hunt! 

Remembrance Day 2024

In art, P5 have been studying pointillism and they used this technique to paint poppies to commemorate Remembrance Day.

PE with Sonal Sports

P5 have enjoyed doing PE with Sonal Sports. 

Young Enterprise

P5 had a brilliant morning with Rebecca from Young Enterprise. They had the chance to develop and practise skills that they will need in the world of work, such as  communication, team work and financial management.

Lagan College

A fun and exciting morning was enjoyed by P5 at Lagan College. The children experienced experiments and demonstrations related to the theme of Christmas Chemistry. 

Contact Miss Joyce